Top UX Design Tips for Creating User-Friendly Websites

published on 19 July 2024

As a website owner, developing a user-friendly site is crucial for engaging visitors and enhancing user experience. With thoughtful UX design, you can create an intuitive, accessible site that delights users. In this article, we provide actionable tips to optimize site usability. You'll learn best practices for navigation, page layout, visual design, content presentation and more. Implementing these UX principles allows you to craft seamless user journeys that convert visitors into customers. Read on to discover key techniques for improving your website's friendliness and elevating the overall user experience. Equipped with these tips, you can confidently design interfaces that meet user needs.

Characteristics of User-Friendly Websites

Image from Designer-Websites

Clear and Intuitive Navigation

One of the most crucial aspects of user-friendly websites is clear and intuitive navigation. This means providing visitors with a seamless browsing experience, enabling them to effortlessly find the information or features they need. Well-organized site structures, logical categorization of content, and visually appealing menus play a vital role in creating an intuitive navigational flow.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design

With the increasing dominance of mobile devices, websites must be optimized for seamless viewing across various screen sizes. A responsive design ensures that the website automatically adjusts its layout and content to provide an optimal experience, regardless of the device used. This is particularly crucial for travel websites, as many users plan trips using their smartphones.

Visually Appealing and Engaging Content

Engaging visuals, such as high-quality images, videos, and interactive elements, can significantly enhance the user experience on a website. Professionally shot and well-composed photography can instantly make a website more attractive, while animations and interactive graphics can capture user attention and bring the site to life.

Streamlined Processes and Functionality

User-friendly websites prioritize simplicity and efficiency in their processes and functionality. This includes optimizing page load speeds, minimizing form fields, offering guest checkout options, and providing multiple payment methods. By streamlining these processes, websites can reduce friction and create a more enjoyable experience for users.

Personalization and Customization

Personalized experiences and customization options enhance user satisfaction and engagement. AI-powered personalization can tailor content, recommendations, and interfaces based on user behavior and preferences. Additionally, allowing users to customize certain aspects of the website, such as color schemes or layout, can create a more personalized experience.

Trust-Building Elements

Incorporating elements that build trust, such as customer reviews, testimonials, and security indicators, can significantly improve the user experience. These elements provide social proof and reassurance, helping users feel more confident in engaging with the website and its offerings.

By prioritizing these characteristics, businesses can create websites that not only meet user expectations but also provide a delightful and engaging experience, ultimately driving better engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty.

Elements of a User-Friendly Website Design

Intuitive Navigation

An intuitive navigation structure is crucial for enhancing the user experience on your website. Ensure that the main menu is prominently displayed and includes clear labels for each page. Organize your site's content in a logical manner, enabling visitors to effortlessly navigate and find what they're looking for. Additionally, incorporate search functionality and breadcrumbs to further streamline the browsing experience.

Responsive Design

In today's mobile-centric world, it's essential to prioritize a responsive design that adapts seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes. Optimizing your website for mobile users ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience, regardless of the device used to access your site. This approach not only enhances usability but also caters to the growing number of users who primarily access the internet via their smartphones or tablets.

Visual Hierarchy and Readability

A well-structured visual hierarchy and emphasis on readability can significantly improve the user experience. Utilize techniques such as clear headings, concise paragraphs, and strategic use of whitespace to create a clean and organized layout. Additionally, incorporate high-quality visuals like images and videos judiciously to enhance engagement without compromising the site's loading speed.

Consistent Branding and Design

Consistency is key when it comes to creating a cohesive and user-friendly website design. Maintain a consistent brand identity across all pages by employing the same color scheme, typography, and visual elements throughout your site. This approach not only reinforces your brand but also contributes to a seamless and familiar experience for your visitors.

Clear Calls-to-Action

Well-designed and strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs) can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates. Ensure that your CTAs stand out visually and use persuasive, action-oriented language that encourages visitors to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting your business.

By incorporating these elements into your website design, you can create a user-friendly experience that not only engages visitors but also fosters trust, credibility, and brand loyalty.

How to Make Your Website More User-Friendly

Image from Digitalsilk

Focus on Simplicity

Simplicity should be the guiding principle when designing user-friendly websites. Opt for clean layouts with ample white space to enhance readability and minimize distractions. Avoid cluttered designs that can overwhelm visitors. Simple navigation menus with clear labels also contribute to a seamless browsing experience.

Optimize for Speed

Slow-loading websites are a major turnoff for users. Optimize page load speeds to ensure a smooth experience, as visitors are likely to abandon sites that take too long to load. Compress images, minify code, and leverage caching techniques to improve performance.

Leverage Visual Appeal

While simplicity is key, strategic use of high-quality visuals can captivate visitors and enhance their experience. Incorporate engaging images and videos to break up text and provide visual interest, but ensure they load quickly and complement the overall design.

Streamline Processes

Simplify processes like booking or purchasing to minimize friction. Make these processes fast and easy by reducing the number of steps and avoiding mandatory account creation. Offer guest checkouts or social login options to streamline the experience.

Personalize with AI

Leverage AI technologies like natural language processing and machine learning to understand user behavior and provide personalized content and recommendations tailored to their interests and needs. This can significantly enhance the user experience and engagement.

Implement Responsive Design

With the prevalence of mobile browsing, ensuring your website is optimized for various devices and screen sizes is crucial. Implement responsive design to provide a seamless experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones, with intuitive navigation and optimized content.

7 Steps to Creating a User-Friendly Website

Plan the Structure

The foundation of a user-friendly website lies in its structure and navigation. Determine the essential pages like Home, About, Services, and keep the navigation simple and scannable. A well-planned structure allows users to intuitively find the information they seek. According to Unicorn Platform, careful planning ensures a seamless user experience.

Choose a Responsive Template

With increasing mobile usage, responsive design is crucial for user experience. Select a template that adapts flawlessly across desktop and mobile devices. Responsive templates optimize layouts for various screen sizes, ensuring consistent usability.

Craft Concise, Scannable Content

Engage users with well-structured, easy-to-read content. Break down information using clear headers, bullets, and lists. As Unicorn Platform suggests, concise and scannable content enhances comprehension and retains user attention.

Customize for Brand Consistency

Refine the design elements like layouts, spacing, colors, and fonts to align with your brand's visual identity. A cohesive aesthetic creates a professional, user-friendly experience that resonates with your audience. Unicorn Platform's website builder simplifies customization without coding.

Optimize for User Experience

Ensure a seamless user experience by thoroughly testing your website across devices and browsers. Identify and address any usability issues before launch. As recommended, optimize technical elements like SSL security, speed, and SEO for improved accessibility and discoverability.

Promote for Visibility

Drive traffic to your user-friendly website through strategic promotion. Leverage social media, email campaigns, and search engine optimization techniques. Unicorn Platform highlights the importance of continuous promotion to attract and engage users.

Continuously Improve

Continuously monitor user behavior and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement. Refine the website's design, content, and functionality based on insights to deliver an exceptional user experience over time. As suggested, regular updates keep your website user-friendly and engaging.

Examples of User-Friendly Website Designs Tools On Top Website Builders Directory

Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Editors

Many top website builders like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and Unicorn Platform provide intuitive drag-and-drop editors. These allow even non-technical users to visually design professional websites without coding. Drag elements like text, images, and multimedia onto the canvas, rearrange sections, and instantly preview changes. Unicorn Platform stands out for its beginner-friendly editor paired with 250+ ready-made templates.

Customizable Templates

Website builders offer diverse templates spanning various industries like business, ecommerce, portfolios, and blogs. While providing good starting points, these templates are highly customizable. Wix boasts over 500 templates that users can tailor by swapping images, fonts, colors and rearranging layout sections. Squarespace is renowned for modern, award-winning designs easily adaptable to brands.

Mobile Responsive Designs

A key aspect of user-friendly web design is mobile responsiveness. Top builders ensure websites automatically optimize for different devices and screen sizes. Wix, Squarespace and Unicorn Platform generate fluid, flexible layouts that provide seamless experiences across desktops, tablets and smartphones. This enhances usability and accessibility for users on the go.

FAQs on Creating Friendly Websites

How do I get started?

Building user-friendly websites is easier than ever with intuitive website builders. Start by choosing a platform like Unicorn Platform that provides a drag-and-drop editor and customizable templates. No coding skills are required, making it beginner-friendly.

What template should I pick?

Selecting the right template is crucial for user experience. Opt for minimalist templates without excessive graphics to create a clean, uncluttered design. Portfolio templates work well for personal sites, while responsive multi-page themes suit business websites.

How do I customize the design?

After choosing a template, customize colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand identity. Use a limited color palette and readable typography to enhance user-friendliness. Strategically organize page structure and navigation for an intuitive experience.

What content should I include?

Engaging content is key to attracting and retaining visitors. Include sections like About, Portfolio, and Blog to showcase your expertise and work samples. Integrate social media feeds and optimize content with relevant keywords and visuals for search engines.

How do I optimize for mobile?

Ensuring your website is mobile-responsive is crucial, as most internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. Choose a responsive template and optimize images, videos, and code for fast loading times across devices.

What websites are user-friendly?

User-friendly websites are designed with the end-user in mind, prioritizing intuitive navigation, clean aesthetics, and seamless functionality. These sites excel in providing an optimal browsing experience that keeps visitors engaged and encourages desired actions.

Clear and Intuitive Navigation

One of the hallmarks of user-friendly websites is a well-structured and logical navigation system. According to Unicorn Platform, planning the website structure and pages clearly is crucial for making navigation and finding content simple for users. This often involves a clean, uncluttered main menu with 5-7 items that allow easy scanning and access to key sections.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design

In today's mobile-driven world, responsive design is a must for user-friendly websites. As highlighted by Unicorn Platform, choosing templates that adapt seamlessly across devices, from desktops to smartphones, ensures accessibility and optimal viewing experiences for all users. Mobile-friendly designs enhance usability and prevent frustration caused by pinching, zooming, or squinting.

Visually Appealing and Minimalist Aesthetics

Aesthetically pleasing yet minimalist designs are highly conducive to user-friendly experiences. Unicorn Platform recommends limiting color palettes to 2-3 complementary hues and using easily readable fonts to maximize readability and scannability. Uncluttered layouts with ample white space and judicious use of graphics or animations create a calm, focused environment for users.

Engaging and Scannable Content

Well-structured, scannable content is another hallmark of user-friendly websites. As advised by Unicorn Platform, concise yet engaging copy that leverages formatting techniques like headings, bullets, and short paragraphs enhances readability and encourages engagement. Optimizing content for keywords and calls-to-action further improves the user experience.

By adhering to these principles, websites can create a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience that keeps users engaged, informed, and motivated to take desired actions, whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or exploring further content.

What are mobile friendly websites?

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have become the primary way people access the internet. As a result, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for businesses and brands to provide an optimal user experience.

Responsive and Adaptive Design

Mobile-friendly websites utilize responsive design principles that automatically adjust layouts, images, and content to display seamlessly on different screen sizes and resolutions. This fluid approach ensures your site looks great and functions properly whether accessed on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

The key aspects include:

  • Flexible grid-based layouts that resize dynamically

  • Optimized media like images that scale to fit any viewport

  • Simple navigation and menus adapted for touch interactions

Rather than maintaining separate mobile versions, responsive websites use CSS media queries to apply different styling based on the device's screen dimensions.

Enhancing the Mobile Experience

Beyond just fitting the screen, mobile-friendly design focuses on streamlining content and interactions for the constraints of mobile devices:

  • Prioritizing vital information above the fold to reduce scrolling

  • Simplifying navigation menus and using click/tap targets optimized for fingers

  • Minimizing distractions by removing non-essential elements

  • Optimizing media file sizes for faster load times over cellular networks

The aim is to create an engaging, frictionless experience tailored to the mobile context.

Importance for Businesses

With over 60% of internet traffic now coming from mobile, having a website optimized for those users is business-critical:

Whether you're launching a startup, running an ecommerce store, or providing online services, delivering a seamless mobile experience is no longer optional - it's essential for reaching today's "mobile-first" audiences.

How do I find a good website?

Understand User Intent

To find a good website, start by understanding your target audience and their goals. What are they searching for? What problems do they need solved? A great website anticipates user needs and provides clear pathways to desired information or actions. According to a Stanford report, AI can help personalize experiences based on data like location and interests. Tools that leverage machine learning can provide tailored recommendations to increase engagement.

Prioritize User Experience

A good website puts user experience (UX) at the forefront of its design. This means intuitive navigation, scannable content with visual hierarchy, and responsive layouts across devices. Unicorn Platform's guide stresses testing different UX elements like calls-to-action with your audience. Continuously optimizing based on data leads to better conversions.

Showcase Value Proposition

A strong value proposition communicated through quality content is key. Per a Unicorn Platform blog, elements like an about page and portfolio help connect with visitors and demonstrate expertise. Well-written copy highlighting user benefits, social proof, and clear CTAs motivate desired actions.

Focus on Performance

Load speed, mobile-friendliness, and security impact user trust and search rankings. Unicorn Platform advises enabling SSL, optimizing assets, and implementing SEO best practices for discoverability. Monitoring analytics identifies areas for refinement like site structure or content.

Align Visuals with Branding

Thoughtful use of design elements like color palettes, typography, and imagery reinforces brand identity. A Unicorn Platform article recommends keeping designs clean yet on-brand through purposeful visuals. This strengthens recognition and perceived professionalism.

What is an UX design website?

Delivering Personalized Experiences

A UX design website leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and user data to provide highly personalized experiences tailored to each visitor's needs and preferences. Through machine learning algorithms, these websites dynamically adapt content, recommendations, and interfaces based on individual user behavior. This level of customization enhances engagement and satisfaction.

AI-Driven Optimization

AI plays a pivotal role in optimizing websites for an exceptional user experience. It enables real-time analysis of visitor data to suggest design improvements, layout adjustments, and content tweaks that boost performance metrics. Intelligent A/B testing further refines the experience.

Automation and Efficiency

AI automation streamlines numerous web design tasks, from coding to formatting, ensuring consistency across platforms. Natural language processing enhances user interactions through voice search and chatbots. This efficiency allows designers to focus on crafting visually appealing and engaging user journeys.

Future-Ready Experiences

Looking ahead, AI will revolutionize responsive design by automatically optimizing websites for any device. Intelligent interfaces powered by AI will provide personalized recommendations and anticipate user needs. Companies like Unicorn Platform are pioneering AI-driven website builders that generate dynamic layouts and enable real-time customization through machine learning.

How to design a website user experience?

Prioritize Simplicity and Intuitive Navigation

Simplicity should be the guiding principle when designing a website's user experience. A clean layout with ample white space enhances readability and makes content more digestible. The navigation structure must be intuitive, with clear categorization and menus that anticipate users' needs and questions.

Optimize for Mobile-First Experience

With most travel planning happening on mobile devices, a responsive design that provides an optimized mobile experience is critical. Focus on fast load times, streamlined user flows, and touch-friendly interactions to ensure a seamless experience across all screen sizes.

Leverage Visual Content and Storytelling

High-quality visuals are powerful tools for captivating users and showcasing your offerings. Compelling images and videos can inspire wanderlust and effectively communicate the essence of travel destinations. Complement visuals with compelling storytelling through well-crafted content and descriptive captions.

Streamline User Flows and Conversions

Guide users towards desired actions by incorporating clear calls-to-action, trust-building elements like reviews and testimonials, and a streamlined booking process. Anticipate pain points and minimize friction throughout the user journey, from initial exploration to final conversion.

Personalize and Engage with Recommendations

Personalized recommendations can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction. Leverage data on user preferences, past behavior, and contextual factors to provide tailored suggestions that resonate with individual users, fostering a more meaningful and memorable experience.

Continuously Test, Iterate, and Optimize

User experience design is an iterative process. Conduct user research, analyze data from website analytics, and employ A/B testing to identify areas for improvement. Continuously refine and optimize the user experience based on insights, ensuring your website remains engaging, efficient, and delightful for your target audience.

What is the UX approach to website design?

Prioritizing User Experience

The UX (user experience) approach to website design revolves around crafting interfaces that provide an optimal experience for users. Rather than focusing solely on aesthetics or technical capabilities, UX design prioritizes usability, accessibility, and intuitive interactions. The goal is to create an enjoyable, seamless journey that meets visitors' needs efficiently.

Understanding User Behavior

UX designers leverage AI and machine learning to analyze user data, preferences, and behavior patterns. This data-driven approach enables them to create tailored experiences that resonate with specific audience segments. Personalized recommendations, contextual content, and intuitive navigation are hallmarks of effective UX design.

Streamlining Processes

By integrating AI-powered automation, UX designers can streamline numerous tasks, from code generation to A/B testing. This frees up time and resources to focus on creative aspects like visual design, content strategy, and user research. AI tools also enable adaptive designs that adjust layouts for optimal viewing across devices.

Inclusive, Accessible Experiences

Effective UX design ensures websites are inclusive and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. AI can automatically adjust layouts, contrast, and navigation based on individual needs, creating a seamless experience for everyone. This aligns with core principles of usability and universal design.

By following a user-centric approach powered by AI and data-driven insights, UX designers can craft digital experiences that resonate with audiences, drive engagement, and foster brand loyalty – a win-win for businesses and customers alike.

Can a UX designer make a website?

Designing User-Centric Websites

As user experience (UX) experts, UX designers possess the skills to create websites that prioritize usability and intuitive navigation. Their primary focus is on crafting seamless digital experiences that resonate with the target audience. Through user research, persona development, and customer journey mapping, UX designers gain insights into user needs and behaviors, enabling them to design websites that offer optimal functionality and engagement.

Leveraging AI for Interactive Experiences

Increasingly, UX designers are leveraging AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to create intelligent, adaptive, and personalized website experiences. AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and recommendation engines enhance user interactions, providing tailored support and content. However, when integrating AI, UX designers must prioritize user privacy, consent for data collection, and ensure the website remains optimized for mobile devices and maintains a clear structure.

Crafting Engaging Interactivity

Effective website design goes beyond aesthetics; it should foster two-way communication and engagement through interactive elements like forms, surveys, calculators, and quizzes. UX designers excel at aligning these interactions with both user needs and business objectives, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience for visitors. Best practices include intuitive design, usability testing, and continuous optimization based on user data and feedback.

Optimizing Navigation and Accessibility

A core responsibility of UX designers is ensuring websites offer intuitive and accessible navigation, adhering to WCAG guidelines. This includes designing logical information hierarchies, clear labeling, visible focus indicators, and optimizing for keyboard-only users. UX designers test and refine navigation through manual assessments, automated tools, and user testing to identify and address potential barriers, ensuring a inclusive experience for all users, including those with disabilities.

With their user-centric approach, UX designers possess the skills and mindset to create websites that not only look visually appealing but also deliver exceptional user experiences. By leveraging tools like Unicorn Platform's drag-and-drop website builders, UX designers can efficiently translate their designs into functional, professional websites without extensive coding knowledge.


You now have the top tips for enhancing UX and creating user-friendly websites that provide an excellent experience. Focus on understanding your users, optimizing navigation, and crafting intuitive interfaces. Test your site regularly to identify issues and iterate based on feedback. Keep accessibility, mobile-friendliness and speed in mind. Follow UX best practices, but also rely on creativity to craft something unique. Your users will appreciate the effort you put into ensuring their comfort and engagement. Implementing these tips will set your website apart with its usability and help you better achieve your business goals.

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