Building a Responsive Car Website

published on 20 April 2024

Building a responsive car website is crucial for car dealerships aiming to enhance their online presence and reach more potential buyers across various devices. Here's what you need to know:

  • Responsive Design: Ensures your website looks and works great on all devices, adapting to different screen sizes.
  • User Experience: Improves navigation and accessibility for users on mobile devices, leading to higher engagement.
  • Lead Generation: Integrates tools like forms and click-to-call buttons to convert visitors into leads.
  • SEO and Marketing: Utilizes SEO optimization and various marketing channels to increase visibility and attract more visitors.
  • Content and Features: Offers valuable information and features like inventory listings, financing tools, and contact forms to meet user needs.

By focusing on these key aspects, car dealerships can create a responsive website that not only attracts more visitors but also converts them into customers, ultimately boosting sales and enhancing the user experience.

Benefits of a Responsive Car Website

Here's why having a website that adjusts to any screen is especially important for car dealers:

  • Mobile Usage: Now, more than half of all people looking at websites are doing it on phones. A responsive site makes sure they can see your cars, contact info, and deals easily.
  • User Experience: A site that works well on phones means people can find what they're looking for faster and easier, like big buttons and less scrolling.
  • Lead Generation: With special tools like forms to fill out, chat, and click-to-call buttons, you'll get more people interested in buying.
  • Competitive Edge: A website that looks good and is easy to use shows you're up-to-date with technology, which can impress buyers.
  • Cost Savings: There are website tools made just for car dealers that help you build and manage your site without spending too much.

Today, having a website that works well on all devices is key to reaching more customers and doing better business.

Planning Your Responsive Car Website

Define Goals and Target Audience

Before you start making your car website, it's important to know what you want it to do and who you want to visit it. This helps make sure your website does what you need and reaches the right people.


Some common goals for a car dealer's website might include:

  • Getting more people to ask about cars
  • Showing off the cars you have for sale
  • Sharing prices, financing options, and how to get in touch
  • Letting visitors book test drives online

Knowing your goals helps you decide what your website should have, like forms for people to fill out, ways to get in touch, and buttons that encourage visitors to take action.

Target Audience

Think about who you want to visit your website. Consider:

  • Where they live - Your website should focus on people from your area or region
  • Their age, income, and other details - Make your website appeal to the people most likely to buy from you
  • What they need - Know what will help them decide to buy a car from you

Understanding who your audience is lets you create a website that they will find useful and interesting.

Choose a Domain and Web Hosting

Picking the right name for your website and where it lives on the internet is really important.

Domain Name

Your website's name should be:

  • Short and easy to remember
  • Include words that help people find you, like your location and "cars"
  • Look professional and make people trust you

A good name might be something like instead of something long or hard to remember.

Web Hosting

When choosing where your website will live, think about:

  • Using WordPress hosting if you want an easy way to manage your site
  • Making sure your website loads quickly
  • Looking for services that back up your site and keep it online all the time
  • Choosing plans that don't limit how much you can store or how many people can visit
  • Going for hosting options that are great for car dealers

Picking the right name and hosting service sets up your website on a strong foundation, ready to meet your goals.


Designing a Responsive Car Website

First, pick a template that's made for car dealerships and works well on phones and computers. Look for options on sites like Unicorn that offer:

  • Mobile-first design: This means the website looks good on phones and changes size to fit screens perfectly.
  • Intuitive navigation: Menus and buttons are easy to find and use.
  • Lead capture forms: Handy forms that encourage visitors to get in touch.
  • SEO optimization: Helps your website show up on Google.

Select a Responsive Template

When choosing a template, focus on:

  • Responsiveness: The website should adjust to any screen size easily.
  • Speed: It loads quickly.
  • Appeal: It should look good and catch your audience's eye.
  • Customization: You can change colors and styles to match your dealership.

Also, think about features like showing off cars for sale or special deals.

Unicorn | Easy Website Builder

Unicorn helps you make a website that works well on phones and computers with:

  • 70+ templates for car dealers.
  • Easy drag and drop setup with no need for coding.
  • Forms for leads and chat options.
  • Tools to help people find you on Google.
  • Ways to show your cars and their details.

Using Unicorn, you can quickly make a website that helps you sell more cars.

Customize the Design

To make your website really yours:

  • Branding: Use your logo, colors, and fonts.
  • Imagery: Use big, clear pictures of cars to grab attention.
  • Navigation: Make sure important pages and offers are easy to find.
  • Forms: Put forms where people can see them to ask about cars or book a test drive.
  • Content: Write good descriptions of your cars and deals.

Making these changes will help people use your site better and stay interested.

Essential Features

Good car websites should have:

  • Prominent inventory listings with clear pictures and details about the cars.
  • Special offers and incentives to catch buyers' interest.
  • Online credit applications to start the financing process.
  • Service and parts pages to bring in more business.
  • Blog content to help with Google ranking and show your expertise.
  • Contact information and forms on every page to make it easy to get in touch.

Focusing on these things will help turn people who visit your site into customers.

Making Your Site Responsive

Understand Media Queries

Media queries are a way to make sure your website looks good on any device, like a phone or a computer. They let you set rules in your website's code (CSS) that change how things look based on the screen size.

Here's a simple example:

@media (max-width: 600px) {
  .car-grid {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr; 

This means if the screen is 600px wide or smaller, the car-grid section will show in just one column.

You can set up different rules for various screen sizes. Common sizes to design for are 360px, 600px, 900px, and 1200px.

Add Breakpoints in CSS

Here's how to add breakpoints:

  1. Determine breakpoints: Pick the screen sizes where you need to change how your site looks, like 360px for phones and 900px for tablets.

  2. Adjust layouts: For each size, write a media query in your CSS. Here's an example:

    /* For screens wider than 900px */

@media (min-width: 900px) { .header { font-size: 32px; } }

/* For screens 600px wide or smaller */ @media (max-width: 600px) { .header { font-size: 24px; } }

3. **Refine as needed:** Check your site on different devices and tweak your breakpoints and CSS to make sure it looks great everywhere.

At each breakpoint, think about adjusting things like:

- Font sizes
- How many columns you have
- Spacing around elements
- The size of pictures
- How menus are laid out

Getting your breakpoints right means your site will be easy to use on any device!

## Optimizing Content

### Sitemap & Content Strategy

When building a car dealership website, having a clear plan for your site's layout and the kind of information you'll share is crucial. Here's how to do it right:

**Organize Site Architecture**

- Divide your website into clear sections like new cars, used cars, services, parts, and so on.
- Make it easy for visitors to find important pages like your car listings.
- Use easy-to-follow menus and clear paths to help people find what they need.

**Develop Targeted Content**

- Think about what your customers want to know when they're looking to buy a car.
- Write content that answers their questions and fits their needs.
- Make sure to include information that's specific to your area.

**Plan Content Topics**

- Write about car models, financing tips, service advice, and seasonal recommendations.
- The goal is to cover topics that help your customers at every step of their car-buying journey.

**Optimize for User Intent**

- Remember, not everyone who visits your site wants the same thing. Some are just looking, while others are ready to buy.
- Create pages that cater to all types of visitors, from those just browsing to those ready to make a purchase.

### On-Page SEO Best Practices  

Helping search engines understand your website can make it easier for people to find you. Here's how:


Make sure each page has a title, a short description, and image descriptions that are clear and include keywords.

**Content Structure**  

- Organize your content so it's easy to read. Use headings and lists.
- Link to other pages on your site that your readers might find helpful.


- Make sure images don't slow down your site. Use video transcripts and name your files clearly.

**HTML Markup**  

- Use headings properly.
- Highlight important parts of your page with bold or italic text.
- Add special code ( to help search engines understand your content.


Make your website fast by optimizing images, reducing code complexity, and using other technical tricks.

Keeping your website in good shape for both visitors and search engines is an ongoing process. Regularly check your site to find and fix any issues.

## Launching & Marketing Your Website

### Pre-Launch Checklist

Before you open your car website to the world, make sure everything works great. Here’s what to check:

- **Mobile-friendliness** - Make sure your site looks good on phones and tablets. Text should be easy to read, and buttons easy to click, without anything looking weird or cut off.

- **Site speed** - Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to see how fast your site loads. You want your site to load quickly, ideally in less than 3 seconds on phones.

- **Link validation** - Click on every link and button to make sure they all work and don’t lead to dead ends.

- **Cross-browser testing** - Check your site on different web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge to make sure it looks consistent across all of them.

- **Forms** - Test all forms on your site to ensure they submit correctly and you get the notification.

- **Security** - Set up HTTPS and SSL to keep your site and visitors safe. Use firewalls, and regularly check for any security risks.

After you’ve checked everything and fixed any problems, your site is ready to go live!

### Marketing Channels & Techniques  

Now that your site is up, let’s talk about how to get people to visit. Here are some ways to do it:

**Organic Search**

- Make sure your site shows up in search results by using the right keywords, especially ones that are about your local area.
- Write blog posts on topics that car buyers are interested in to draw them to your site.
- Get your customers to leave good reviews online to help your site rank better.

**Paid Ads** 

- Use Google Ads and social media ads that target local people or those looking to buy a car. You can also try to bring back people who visited your site before.
- Focus your ads on what you’re selling right now and any special deals you have.
- Keep an eye on your spending and how well the ads are working.

**Social Media**

- Post about the cars you’re selling, updates from your dealership, and interesting car info. Use good photos and videos.
- Talk to your followers and advertise sales or special events.

**Email Marketing**

- Send emails with personalized deals or news about cars to people based on what they like or where they are in the buying process.
- Share useful tips or community news to keep in touch and build loyalty.

**Influencer Marketing** 

- Work with local people who have a lot of followers to talk about your cars.
- Encourage happy customers to share their good experiences online.
- Team up with car bloggers or magazines to get your dealership featured.

Always check your site’s data to see where your visitors are coming from and what’s working best. Try out new ideas and keep improving your marketing plan.

## Conclusion

For car dealerships, making a website that works well on all devices like phones, tablets, and computers is really important. It helps you reach more people and sell more cars. Here's a simple way to do it:

- Make sure your website looks good and works well on all devices. This is called making it mobile-friendly.
- Use forms and buttons on your site to easily get in touch with visitors.
- Show off the cars you're selling with nice pictures and details.
- Create content that's helpful and specific to your area to build trust with visitors.
- Use smart web tricks to help your site show up higher in search results.

Choosing a tool like Unicorn can make this process easier. It's designed for people selling cars and doesn't require you to be a tech expert. It has ready-made designs that you just need to fill in with your info.

With a clear, easy-to-use website, your dealership will stand out. A good online presence helps you reach more people who are looking to buy cars. By following these tips, you can create a website that helps you sell more cars.

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