Power BI Welcome Page Essentials

published on 21 March 2024

Creating a welcoming and effective Power BI welcome page is crucial for engaging and guiding users through your Power BI environment. Here's what makes it important and how to do it right:

  • First Impressions Matter: A well-designed welcome page captures attention and encourages further exploration.
  • Ease of Navigation: Intuitive navigation, featured dashboards, and data source links help users find what they need quickly.
  • Engagement and Usage: By highlighting key dashboards and providing interactive elements, you increase user engagement.
  • Accessibility and Design: Ensuring your page is accessible and visually appealing is key to a positive user experience.
  • Practical Steps: We offer guidance on configuring your welcome page, from enabling content to customizing with DAX formulas and M code.

By focusing on these areas, you can create a Power BI welcome page that not only looks great but also enhances the user experience, making data insights more accessible and actionable.

Intuitive Navigation

  • Put in a simple menu with links to the main dashboards, reports, and how-to guides
  • Group similar items together in folders so everything is tidy
  • Add a search box to help find things fast
  • Include links to where the data comes from and how to connect to it

Show off the top 3-5 dashboards like this:

  • Use a catchy picture
  • Give it a name and a short explanation
  • Put a link to open the dashboard right there

This part helps new users see what Power BI can do right away.

Tell people about the main places the data comes from, including:

  • How to see connection info
  • When data gets updated
  • Where to find more about the data

This lets users handle data connections and understand the data better on their own.

Interactive Elements

Add things that users can click on or use to explore data easily:

  • A place to filter information on the dashboard
  • Important filters to play with
  • A box where you can ask questions in plain language

These tools help users dive into data and find answers without needing to be experts.

Design Best Practices

When setting up your Power BI welcome page, it's important to make it easy for everyone to use and find what they need quickly. Here are some tips on how to do that, including making sure it's accessible to everyone.

Layout and Visual Hierarchy

  • Keep the design simple and clean, with lots of empty space so it doesn't feel crowded.
  • Arrange your content into clear sections.
  • Make the most important stuff bigger and stand out more.
  • Group things that are similar together.
  • Use the same kind of fonts and sizes to make everything easy to read.

Color Schemes

  • Use colors that match your company to keep things consistent.
  • Make sure there's a good contrast between the text and the background so it's easy to read.
  • Pick a simple color for the background.
  • Stay away from really bright colors that might be too much for the eyes.


  • Check that the text and background colors don't blend together.
  • Add descriptions to all pictures and graphics.
  • Make sure people can navigate the page using just a keyboard.
  • Let users change text size without messing up the page layout.
  • Set up the page so screen readers can understand it by organizing the headings correctly.

By keeping these things in mind, you can make sure your Power BI welcome page is welcoming to everyone, no matter how they access or see the page. Think about all kinds of users when you're building your page.


Implementation Guide

Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up a welcoming first page in Power BI.

Configure the Welcome Page

To get started with your Power BI welcome page:

  • Open Power BI service, click on the settings menu, and select Admin portal.
  • Look for Tenant settings, click on General, and turn on Welcome page content enabled.
  • Head back to the Power BI main page. You should now see an empty welcome page.
  • Click Edit welcome page on the top menu to start adding stuff. Here, you can:
  • Put in images and your logo
  • Add or change sections of the page
  • Put in text boxes, shapes, and charts
  • Make it look nice with different styles
  • Organize your page with clear sections for things like top reports, news, and beginner guides.
  • Highlight important parts by making them bigger or bolder.
  • Hit Publish changes when you're done to share your welcome page with everyone.

You can edit the welcome page any time by clicking Edit welcome page, and your changes will show up right after you publish them.

Customization Options

For those who want to dive deeper into customizing the welcome page, here are some tools:

DAX formulas

Use DAX to automatically show certain reports based on what's new or what a user can see. For example, you can set it up to display only the newest reports.

=IF (
    HASONEVALUE ( Dataset[Created Date] ),
    VAR CurrentDate = MAX ( Dataset[Created Date] )
            VALUES ( Dataset[Report Name] ),
            Dataset[Created Date] = CurrentDate

M code

Add M code for things like dynamic text or to show/hide elements based on certain conditions.

#"Added Tooltip" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "ToolTip", each "Sales KPIs"[KPI Name]) 


You can also put your welcome page into SharePoint online or other apps. This gives you more ways to customize it.


Creating a good welcome page in Power BI is really helpful for everyone who makes and uses reports and dashboards. By sticking to the tips we've talked about, you can make a page that:

  • Catches the eye with clear pictures and layout
  • Makes it easy to find important stuff
  • Shows off the best dashboards and reports
  • Tells you where the data comes from
  • Lets people play around with data
  • Is easy for everyone to use, no matter their needs

With these parts, your welcome page will help people find insights, make decisions based on data, and enjoy using Power BI more. Putting time into making a welcoming first page is worth it.

Keep things simple, organized, and easy to understand as you build your welcome page. Remember to make your page easy for everyone to use. Look back at the tips for designing and customizing your page whenever you need.

By giving Power BI visitors a clear, easy-to-use welcome page, you're helping them get more out of their experience. This first impression is a big step towards a useful and impactful journey with data.

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