Website Builder Webflow: A Beginner's Guide

published on 28 December 2023

Most website builders would agree that creating an attractive, user-friendly site can be challenging for beginners.

Luckily, Webflow makes website creation incredibly intuitive even for first-timers. With its versatile templates and easy-to-use editor, you can quickly build a custom site that looks professional.

This beginner's guide to Webflow will walk you through getting started, from signing up and choosing a template to customizing your design. You'll learn key techniques for crafting beautiful, responsive website sections to effectively engage visitors.

Webflow is a leading no-code website builder that empowers users to create professional, custom sites through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. With over 100 designer-made templates and powerful customization tools, Webflow makes it easy for anyone to build beautiful, responsive websites without needing to code.

As one of the most popular options among website builders, Webflow stands out for its flexibility and robust feature set. Users praise the ability to fully customize site design and layouts beyond simplistic templates. Webflow also connects sites to a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) for fast, secure hosting.

Is Webflow Free? Understanding Webflow Pricing

Webflow offers both free and paid plans:

  • The free plan allows unlimited pages and full access to Webflow's design and CMS features. However, free sites display a Webflow banner and cannot use custom domains.

  • Paid plans start at $12/month and remove the Webflow branding while adding custom domains, password protection, and more storage. Higher tiers add ecommerce features, white label branding, and advanced integrations.

Overall, Webflow's pricing aims to balance powerful features with approachable costs for users of all levels. Even free accounts retain core design functionality.

Logging into Webflow brings users to the Webflow dashboard which manages all sites. Here users can:

  • Access site analytics and performance metrics
  • Manage site settings and domains
  • Launch the Webflow Designer to start building

The intuitive dashboard layout makes it easy for beginners to start a new site, control hosting, track site traffic, and launch the Webflow site builder.

Exploring Webflow University for Learning Resources

For those new to Webflow, Webflow University provides a wealth of educational materials including:

  • Step-by-step tutorials on site building basics
  • Webinars explaining key features and workflows
  • Inspiration from sites built with Webflow
  • Answers to frequently asked questions

With structured courses, skill assessments, and certifications, Webflow University offers an excellent starting point to ramp up knowledge.

Choosing from Webflow’s Site Templates

Webflow hosts over 100 free and premium templates spanning categories like portfolios, ecommerce, blogs, and more. Benefits include:

  • Professionally designed layouts and styles
  • Customizable templates to match brand identities
  • SEO-optimized foundations to improve discoverability

Starting from an existing template can greatly accelerate the site creation process for beginners through advanced Webflow users.

Is Webflow a website builder?

Yes, Webflow is a powerful website builder that allows users to visually design, build, and launch custom websites without needing to know how to code.

Some key things to know about Webflow as a website builder:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface: Webflow's editor makes it easy to add elements like text, images, buttons with just a few clicks. You can drag elements to rearrange site layouts.

  • Customizable design: Webflow gives granular control over styles like colors, fonts, spacing, etc. to create unique designs. There are also 100+ templates to start from.

  • Animation/interactions: Animate elements on scroll or add micro-interactions without coding to make sites more dynamic.

  • Built-in CMS: Webflow sites come with a content management system to update site content after launch. No need for a separate CMS.

  • Hosting included: Webflow hosts and optimizes sites for production for free up to a certain bandwidth. No need to find separate hosting.

So in summary, yes Webflow is considered a website builder because it provides an intuitive visual interface and built-in tools to design, build and manage websites without needing to code them manually. This makes it easy for beginners to create professional sites.

How much does it cost to build a website with Webflow?

Webflow offers flexible pricing plans to meet the needs of different users. Here is an overview of the costs:

  • Webflow Basic Plan: Starts at $12/month. Best for early stage or simple websites. Includes hosting, CMS, and basic support.

  • Webflow CMS Plan: Starts at $16/month. Adds advanced CMS features like roles and permissions. Better for client sites.

  • Webflow Business Plan: Starts at $36/month. Additional features like white label branding and lead generation forms. Ideal for agencies and advanced users.

The cost to build a website will depend on the complexity of the site design, number of pages, custom functionality required, and more. Some additional costs may include:

  • Custom Webflow Development: $50 - $150 per hour if you need help building complex interactions or integrations.

  • Webflow Templates: One-time fee ranging from free to $160+. Gives you an instant starting point.

  • Domain Registration: Around $12/year for a .com domain to host your site.

So in summary, Webflow sites can range from $100s to $1000s or more depending on your goals. The benefit is no coding required and ongoing hosting/CMS is included. For many, Webflow provides strong value compared to hiring a traditional web dev agency.

Is Webflow better than Wix?

When comparing Webflow and Wix, both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses depending on your needs.

Wix is likely the better choice if you are a total beginner with no coding experience. Its intuitive drag-and-drop editor and library of over 900 templates make it very easy to quickly build a professional looking website. You don't need any web development skills.

However, Webflow offers more advanced customization capabilities through its visual coding workflow. While there is still no need to manually write code, you can use Webflow's Designer interface to add interactions, animations, and complex responsive behaviors. This is great for developers who want finer control compared to Wix.

Some key differences:

  • Ease of use: Wix is more beginner-friendly whereas Webflow has a steeper learning curve.
  • Customization: Webflow allows greater design flexibility and custom CSS. Wix templates are more restrictive.
  • Hosting and Performance: Webflow has faster load times. But Wix offers free hosting.
  • SEO: Webflow generates cleaner code which is better for SEO. Wix can be limiting.
  • Scalability: Webflow sites are easier to build upon for larger, complex web apps.

So in summary, Wix is the preferable website builder webflow for total beginners, with its drag-and-drop format and over 900 templates. We'd recommend Webflow for those with some coding experience who will benefit from its advanced customization and scalability.

Is Webflow better than WordPress?

Webflow and WordPress both have their strengths as website builders. Here is a brief comparison:

  • Ease of use: Webflow is easier for beginners since it has a visual editor and requires no coding knowledge. WordPress has a steeper learning curve.

  • Customization: WordPress offers more customization options with its plugins and themes. Webflow customization requires some CSS/HTML knowledge.

  • Cost: Basic WordPress sites are free to host while Webflow has monthly fees. However, Webflow removes the need to manage servers/updates.

  • Speed: Webflow sites tend to load faster as they are optimized out of the box. WordPress sites require caching plugins and optimization.

  • SEO: Both builders allow editing metadata, alt text etc. By default Webflow generates cleaner code which is better for SEO.

So in summary - Webflow simplifies website building through its intuitive visual editor while WordPress offers more flexibility and options via its open-source nature. Those wanting an easy-to-use builder with fast sites may prefer Webflow. But WordPress suits more advanced users looking for expanded customization.


Building Your Site Navigation with Webflow

Creating intuitive site navigation is crucial for providing a seamless user experience. Webflow offers powerful tools to build navigation elements like headers, footers, and navbars without coding.

Creating a Responsive Navbar in Webflow

Here are step-by-step instructions to create a responsive navbar in Webflow:

  • Navigate to the Elements panel and drag the Navbar element onto your page
  • Customize the navbar styling like background color, padding etc. in the Styles panel
  • Add menu links using the Text element within the navbar
  • Enable Flexbox on the navbar for automatic responsive resizing
  • Use Display settings to create a custom mobile menu

Some key tips:

  • Add background colors or images to visually distinguish the navbar
  • Adjust padding/margins to control navbar size on all devices
  • Test on mobile to ensure menu functions as expected

Designing Your Own Logo and Adding it to Webflow

Follow these steps to create and integrate a custom logo:

  • Design logo in vector format using tools like Illustrator
  • Export logo as SVG file for best image quality
  • Upload logo to Webflow via Images panel
  • Drag Image element, select logo file
  • Position logo in header or navbar

Using your own logo ensures brand consistency across your site.

Constructing a footer with navigation and social media links:

  • Add Footer element and Flexbox for responsiveness
  • Insert Text elements for footer links
  • Arrange links into columns using Grid layout
  • Add social media and email Link elements
  • Enable Open in new tab on links

Structuring your footer this way keeps important navigation handy on all pages.

Implementing a Custom Mobile Menu in Webflow

To customize your mobile navigation menu:

  • Clone your desktop navbar
  • Adjust Display settings to show clone on mobile only
  • Simplify cloned navbar by removing elements not needed on mobile
  • Test preview on mobile to ensure seamless experience

Customizing your mobile header boosts usability for visitors on the go.

With Webflow's user-friendly interface and powerful layout options, building intuitive site navigation is easy for beginners and experts alike.

Designing Key Sections of Your Webflow Site

Webflow offers a robust visual design platform to create engaging website sections without coding. Let's explore techniques for building some key sections to capture visitor attention and encourage user engagement.

Creating an Engaging Hero Section with Flexbox

The hero section, prominently positioned at the top of the homepage, is crucial for making a strong first impression. With Webflow's Flexbox layout mode, you can easily create a responsive hero section that dynamically adapts across device sizes.

To get started:

  • Add a cover image that aligns with your brand identity and conveys your core value proposition
  • Overlay text on the image background to deliver your key messaging
  • Adjust the vertical and horizontal alignment of elements using Flexbox
  • Customize spacing and sizing responsively to optimize the layout

With some experimentation, you can design an eye-catching hero that piques visitor interest and entices them to explore further.

An image gallery is a great way to showcase work samples, products, or services visually. Webflow's Grid layout option helps construct a dynamic, responsive gallery.

To build your gallery:

  • Create a container div to hold gallery images
  • Define the number of columns for the grid using the Columns setting
  • Add images and scale them to fit the grid dimensions
  • Adjust gutters spacing between images
  • Customize image sizes for responsive behavior

The result is a sleek, professional image gallery you can populate with any visual content to strengthen your brand storytelling.

Adding Additional Content Sections with Spacing and Layouts

Scrolling down from the hero, you'll want to lead visitors into more detailed content elaborating on your offerings. Webflow provides several pre-built section and column layouts to incorporate written content easily.

When structuring your page content:

  • Use background colors, spacing, dividers to delineate between sections
  • Create column layouts for positioning elements side-by-side
  • Customize padding and margins to refine spacing
  • Adjust font styling for improved readability
  • Use call-to-action buttons to facilitate conversions

With Webflow's intuitive editor, you can build multiple content sections to communicate your messaging effectively.

Crafting a Contact Form Section for User Engagement

No website is complete without a contact form so visitors can easily reach out with questions or requests.

Constructing a contact form in Webflow is straightforward:

  • Add a Form block and insert the desired input fields
  • Connect the form to a Formspree or email service for delivery
  • Customize input validation and error messaging
  • Style the form using backgrounds, borders and spacing
  • Insert a call-to-action button to submit the form

With a well-designed, functional contact form, you make it simple for visitors to engage further and convert into contacts.

By leveraging Webflow's layout options and pre-built components, you can create stunning sections to capture attention and facilitate engagement. With some practice, you'll be building beautiful, responsive sites in no time!

Customizing Your Webflow Site's Visual Elements

Personalize your site's appearance by customizing visual elements such as headings, cards, and images.

Adding a Heading with Impact using Webflow Designer

Headings help establish hierarchy and improve readability. In Webflow Designer, you can customize headings by:

  • Selecting from over 50 Google Fonts to find the perfect font style
  • Adjusting font size, color, line height, and letter spacing
  • Adding visual effects like shadows or transparency for impact

For example, for an elegant, professional look you could use a serif font like Merriweather at 32px size with a subtle text shadow.

Creating Visually Appealing Cards with Flexbox

Cards allow showcasing content in contained blocks. To create stunning cards:

  • Use the Flexbox layout method for responsive resizing
  • Adjust padding, borders and background colors
  • Add hover animations for interactivity

For instance, set a card's padding to 32px, border-radius to 12px, and add a lift animation on hover to make the card feel dynamic.

Adding Images and Text Icons to Enhance Visuals

Images and icons boost visual appeal. To add them:

  • Upload images to Webflow or use the Unsplash integration
  • Set image sizes, enable lazy loading, and add effects like saturation
  • Insert icons from Webflow's library or use Iconify icons
  • Customize icon size, color and add animations

So you could upload a large landscape photo, lazy load it, then place a bouncing animated heart icon overlaid.

Customizing Navigation Elements for Better User Experience

Refine site navigation by tweaking:

  • Link, text and background colors
  • Padding and hover effects
  • Dropdown and mobile menu interactions

For example, set nav links to scale up on hover and turn a deeper blue. Configure the mobile menu to slide in with an opacity transition. This makes navigation intuitive.

With Webflow's customization capabilities, you can create production-quality sites with beautiful, engaging visuals tailored to your brand.

Launching and Managing Your Webflow Site

Publishing Your Webflow Site and Going Live

To publish your Webflow site and make it live for the world to see, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the Publish button in the top navigation bar within the Webflow designer.
  2. Select which site pages you want to publish by toggling them on. You can publish your entire site or specific pages.
  3. Choose whether you want to publish to Webflow's free hosting or to a third-party host. Webflow's free hosting provides fast load times and free SSL but has limitations.
  4. For Webflow's hosting, turn on the option to enable password protection if desired. For third-party hosting, Webflow will provide you with the site export package to upload manually.
  5. Click the "Publish" button to finish publishing your live site!

Once published, you will be provided a live site URL that you can share or connect your own custom domain to.

Connecting a Custom Domain to Your Webflow Site

To connect a custom domain purchased from a registrar like GoDaddy to your Webflow site:

  1. Click Settings in the Webflow designer top nav bar.
  2. Under the Domains section, click Add custom domain.
  3. Enter your custom domain name (e.g.
  4. Webflow will provide DNS records for you to configure with your registrar to point your domain to Webflow's servers.
  5. Once the DNS configuration propagates, your custom domain will show a green checkmark in Webflow when successfully connected.

Using a custom domain provides a professional branded website presence for businesses and portfolios vs the Webflow subdomain URL.

Leveraging Webflow's Content Management System (CMS)

Webflow includes a user-friendly CMS for managing site content without code:

  • Click on CMS in the top navigation bar to access the CMS dashboard.
  • Here you can create CMS collections to group related content entries. For example, a Blog Posts collection.
  • Add fields to your collections to define the content model. Such as title, text, images, etc. for a blog post.
  • Create new entries in your collections with the defined fields. This content will dynamically publish to your site pages.
  • Update the dynamic CMS elements on your pages by connecting them to your CMS collections and fields.
  • Now when you create a new blog post in the CMS, it will automatically appear on your live site!

The CMS enables easy site updates and content changes without developer help. You can manage pages, blog posts, case studies and more.

Understanding Webflow Hosting and Its Advantages

Key benefits of using Webflow's managed hosting include:

  • Speed - CDN and optimization for fast load times. Sites score 90+ on Google PageSpeed tests.
  • Security - Free SSL certificates and protection against attacks.
  • Scalability - Sites can handle traffic spikes and are DDoS protected.
  • Support - Webflow experts handle technical issues and optimiations for you.
  • Automated - Software updates, speed improvements, and security patching without your effort.

Potential downsides are limitations in some advanced CMS features compared to self-hosted solutions. There are also monthly charges based on site visitors and bandwidth needs.

Overall Webflow hosting provides a fast, secure, scalable, and hands-off approach to avoid complex site maintenance. It enables focusing on creating site content vs technical operations. For advanced developers, Webflow also allows exporting site code to self-host on infrastructures like AWS.

Advanced Webflow Techniques

Webflow offers powerful customization options for advanced users looking to take their skills to the next level. Here are some techniques to explore:

Converting Figma Designs to Webflow

Translating Figma designs into functional Webflow websites streamlines collaboration between designers and developers. Follow these steps:

  • Export designs from Figma as images at 1x, 2x, and 3x scale for responsive breakpoints
  • Create a new Webflow project and upload the images
  • Use the images as guides to rebuild the designs with Webflow elements
  • Leverage Webflow interactions and animations to recreate any dynamic Figma prototypes

This allows you to seamlessly integrate visual designs from Figma into interactive, production-ready websites in Webflow with minimal effort.

How To Delete a Website in Webflow

To delete an individual website in your Webflow account:

  1. Navigate to the site dashboard
  2. Click on the settings icon
  3. Scroll down and click "Delete this site"
  4. Confirm deletion in the popup dialog

You can also delete specific pages by selecting them and clicking the trash icon. Use caution when deleting sites or pages as action cannot be undone.

Exploring the Cons of Using Webflow for Web Development

While Webflow offers many advantages, some downsides include:

  • Steep learning curve: Webflow has a vast array of options which can overwhelm beginners. Mastering Webflow takes significant time investment.
  • Custom code limitations: While Webflow permits adding custom code, complex logic is restricted compared to traditional web development.
  • Ongoing costs: Webflow's hosting and CMS features require paid plans after initial free trials expire. The monthly cost may be prohibitive for some users.

However, Webflow’s visual interface still makes web development more accessible to non-coders. The no-code approach can offset the downsides through rapid iteration and easy maintenance for most websites.

Conclusion: Summarizing the Power of Webflow

Webflow is an intuitive and user-friendly website builder that empowers beginners to create professional-quality websites without coding. Some of the key benefits highlighted in this beginner's guide include:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface: Webflow's visual editor with drag-and-drop functionality makes website building simple and efficient. You can add and customize elements visually.

  • Professional-grade templates: Choose from over 100 free and premium, professionally-designed templates across various niches to quickly get your site up and running.

  • Responsive sites: Websites built with Webflow are optimized for desktop and mobile viewing out of the box. You don't need to worry about responsiveness.

  • Robust features: Webflow equips you with all the features needed to build fully-functional, interactive websites with forms, animations, ecommerce capabilities, and more.

  • Seamless CMS: Manage and update site content intuitively through Webflow's built-in CMS. No need for external databases or platforms.

  • Hosting included: Webflow provides fast and secure web hosting for all sites built with its platform. No need to find separate hosting.

To recap, Webflow makes website building easy for non-coders through its visual interface while retaining advanced capabilities. We encourage you to explore more through Webflow University tutorials and the Template Marketplace as you continue your Webflow journey.

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