Code Export Website Builders: A Comprehensive Guide

published on 16 April 2024

Looking for a website builder that lets you take control by exporting the code? Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or have advanced coding skills, there's a platform out there for you. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Webflow: Offers design freedom with a learning curve. Ideal for those with some coding knowledge.
  • Squarespace: User-friendly with beautiful designs, but limited coding customization.
  • Wix: Extremely beginner-friendly, though migrating your site can be challenging.
  • Shopify: Perfect for online stores, offering customization at an additional cost.

Choosing the right builder depends on your skill level and needs:

  • Beginners: Go for Wix or Squarespace for ease of use.
  • Intermediate: Webflow balances design freedom with coding capabilities.
  • Advanced: Shopify caters to complex e-commerce needs with more customization options.

Website builders offer a convenient way to create a site, but having the option to export your site's code gives you ultimate flexibility and control. This guide helps you navigate the choices to find the best fit for your project.

Benefits of Code Export

There are a few big reasons why downloading your website's code is a good idea:

  • Customization - Once you have the code, you can change your website however you like. You can add new features, make it look different, or make it run faster.

  • Portability - Your website isn't stuck in one place. You can move it to a different web host or use it with different website tools.

  • Full Control & Ownership - You're in charge of your website's code. This means you can add things from other companies, move your website data, or keep your content safe.

Top Website Builders with Code Export Capabilities

Let's take a closer look at some popular website builders that let you download your site's code:


Webflow is great for designing your site just how you want it. You can download your site's code, but you'll need to figure out where to host it yourself. It's not the easiest to learn, but it's very flexible.


  • You can download your site's code
  • Lots of design freedom
  • Easy-to-use design tools


  • Might be hard for beginners
  • You need to find your own hosting after downloading
  • Big projects might need extra help


Squarespace makes really pretty websites and is easy to use. It lets you tweak the code a bit, but if you want to do a lot, you might need some help.


  • Easy to build your site
  • Good tools for getting found on Google
  • You can add more features from other companies


  • Can't do much coding yourself
  • Hard to make big changes without help
  • Can't host your site just anywhere after downloading



Wix is super user-friendly, great for beginners, and has lots of designs. It has a special tool for coding but taking your site elsewhere can be tricky.


  • Very easy for anyone to use
  • Lots of designs and extra features
  • Special coding tool


  • Moving your site isn't straightforward
  • Not as much freedom as other tools


Shopify is all about selling online. It has lots of designs and ways to make your store look unique. There are some tools for downloading your site's code, but they might cost extra.


  • Perfect for online stores
  • Many designs and ways to customize
  • Some tools for downloading your code


  • Only for selling things online
  • Extra cost for some tools
  • Not as flexible

Choosing the Right Website Builder Based on Needs

Beginner Skill Level

If you're new to making websites and don't know how to code, Wix and Squarespace are good places to start. They're really easy to use. You just pick a look you like, add your own pictures and words, and you're ready to go.

Wix is super simple and has lots of choices for how your site can look. It's great if you want to make a website without learning how to code.

Squarespace is also easy but gives you a bit more fancy designs. Your site will look good on phones and show up in Google searches without much extra work.

Both are great for beginners who want to make a website easily. But, if you want to change things a lot or move your site to another place, it might get tricky without knowing how to code.

Intermediate Skill Level

If you're okay with basic coding, Webflow is a nice middle ground. It lets you drag and drop things to build your site but also lets you see and use the actual code. You can make your site look exactly how you want and then take the code with you to use somewhere else.

Webflow is a bit harder to learn than the simplest options, but it's worth it if you want to do more with your site and learn a bit about coding along the way.

Advanced Skill Level

For those who are really into coding and want to make complex online stores, Shopify is a good choice. It's made for selling things online and lets you add lots of special features to your store.

Even though you have to keep your store on Shopify, you can still change a lot about how it looks and works. You can add apps for more features, use custom code to change things up, and choose from many starting designs or make your own.

Shopify is great for creating a professional online store with lots of custom touches. Just remember, it comes with a monthly fee.



Main Points

Getting the code for your website means you can do a lot with it:

  • Customization - Grab your site's code to change it, add cool stuff, make it look different, or work better.
  • Portability - You're not stuck with one service. You can move your site to another place if you want.
  • Flexibility - Use tools from other companies, handle your own website hosting, and keep your content safe for a long time.

We talked about some of the top website builders that let you get your site's code:

  • Webflow - Great for designing, needs some coding know-how
  • Squarespace - Pretty designs, not much coding by yourself
  • Wix - Super easy, but moving your site is a bit hard
  • Shopify - For selling stuff online, with advanced options for those who know coding

Pick the right tool based on what you know and what you want to do with your site:

  • Beginners: Wix, Squarespace
  • A bit more experienced: Webflow
  • Know a lot about coding: Shopify

Parting Thoughts

Website builders are getting better and easier to use. But if you want to control your site fully, being able to get your site's code is super important. It lets you really own your site and content while still using these easy tools. Think about what you'll need in the future and choose a builder that can grow with you.

Is it better to use a website builder or code a website?

Choosing between using a website builder and coding a website by hand depends on what you need and how much you know about building websites. Website builders are super easy to use and let you make a site quickly without needing to know how to code. But if you want to do something very specific with your site, coding it yourself lets you do exactly what you want, though it takes more time and you need to know how to code.

If you're just starting, website builders are a great way to get your site up without the hassle. But if you're comfortable with coding, or have very specific needs, coding your own site gives you more control.

How do you code a website guide?

Here's a simple way to start coding your own website:

  1. Plan what your site will look like and what it will have on it.
  2. Start with the basic HTML structure.
  3. Add the big parts like the header, footer, and navigation menu.
  4. Fill in the pages with your content.
  5. Use CSS to make it look nice (choose fonts, colors, and layout).
  6. Use CSS to tweak how specific parts look.
  7. Add some JavaScript to make your site do cool things.

You'll also need to think about hosting your site, adding pictures or videos, and making sure it loads quickly. There are lots of guides online that can help you with each step.

How do I export a website code?

To get the code for a website:

  1. Right-click on the webpage and pick "View Page Source."
  2. Right-click again and hit "Save As."
  3. Choose to save it as a "Webpage, HTML Only."
  4. Save the file as a .txt (like source_code.txt).

You can also use the tools in your web browser to look at and save the CSS and JavaScript that make the website work.

Are website builders worth it?

Yes, website builders are a great choice for making a site easily if you're not an expert in coding. They come with ready-to-use designs and tools that let you drag and drop things to build your site. They also help with making sure your site shows up in Google searches. While you might not get to change everything you want, the ease of use and quick setup make them a good option for a lot of people. If you need more advanced features, some website builders offer more powerful tools as well.

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