Power BI Landing Page Template Essentials

published on 18 April 2024

Creating an effective Power BI landing page template involves focusing on key elements that engage and inform your visitors. Here's a quick overview of what you need to include:

  • Big Picture or Video: Start with a captivating visual to grab attention.
  • What's In It For Them: Clearly state the benefits of your Power BI solution.
  • What To Do Next: Guide visitors with clear calls to action.

Additionally, your template should have:

  1. Clear and Engaging Headline: Make your main message impossible to ignore.
  2. Visual Explanation: Use a few select visuals to explain your services.
  3. Interactive Tiles: Let visitors interact with your reports and dashboards.
  4. Value Proposition: Highlight the benefits of your Power BI solutions.
  5. Progressive Disclosure Design: Reveal information in an easy-to-digest manner.
  6. Templates and Customization: Start with a template and make it your own.
  7. Optimization Tips: Ensure your page is user-friendly and SEO optimized.

In short, a Power BI landing page should be designed to showcase your expertise, demonstrate the benefits of your services, and guide visitors towards taking action, all while keeping the design clean, engaging, and informative.

1. Clear and Engaging Headline

A good headline is key to catching people's attention and making them want to stay on your Power BI landing page. Here's how to make it work:

Keep it short and easy to read

Aim for a headline that's no more than 10 words. Choose a simple, strong phrase that gets your main point across quickly.

Highlight what they'll get

Focus on what visitors will gain by using your page - like faster insights, easier decisions, or saving time.

Talk like your audience

Use words and phrases that your target audience understands. Include terms they're looking for.

Make them curious

You can ask a question or share something interesting to grab their interest right away.

Show you know your stuff

Use clear, accurate terms to show your expertise and build trust.


  • "Find Quick Insights with Power BI Dashboards"
  • "Make Better Decisions Faster with Our Power BI Reports"

A great headline that speaks to what visitors are looking for can make your landing page more inviting. Keep these tips in mind to create a headline that works.

2. Visual Explanation

When you're showing off what your Power BI reports and dashboards can do, it's smart to pick out a few visuals that really highlight the cool stuff. Here's how to do it in a way that's easy for everyone to get:

Pick Your Best Shots

Choose 1-3 visuals, like charts or graphs, from your Power BI that show something interesting or important. Think about what stands out and what will catch someone's eye.

Break Down What They're Seeing

For each visual you choose, write a short explanation that covers:

  • What's being shown in the picture?
  • Why is this piece of info interesting or useful?
  • How can someone use this info in a practical way?

Link the Visuals to Real Benefits

Explain how the insights from the visuals can help your audience. For example, you could say something like, "This graph shows that website visits are up by 30% this quarter, which means our marketing team can put more money into what's working to boost online sales."

Keep It Simple with Captions

Put a brief caption under each visual to sum up the main point. This helps people understand quickly what they're looking at.

Make It Easy to Scan

Use bullet points, bold text, and space things out. This makes the key points jump out, so even if someone is just skimming, they'll catch the important bits.

Adding visuals with straightforward explanations is a solid way to share the valuable insights your Power BI content has to offer and make it more engaging for visitors.

3. Interactive Tiles

Interactive tiles on a Power BI landing page let visitors start playing with reports and dashboards right away. Here's how to make them work well:

Make Each Tile Clear

  • Sales Overview
  • Regional Performance
  • Top Campaign Results

Choose Tiles That Match What You Want to Do

Help visitors quickly find info that helps with:

  • Making more money
  • Serving customers better
  • Spending less on ads

Explain Each Tile

For each tile, share:

  • The kind of info it shows
  • Who will find it useful
  • What decisions it can help with

Invite People to Click

Use simple words like "Check out Campaign ROI" and pictures to grab attention.

Connect Tiles to More Info

Make each tile a doorway to a detailed dashboard or report.

Try, Learn, and Improve

See which tiles people like most by checking how often they're clicked. Keep making them better over time.

Using interactive tiles makes a Power BI landing page more fun to use. Picking the right tiles and linking them to useful insights helps visitors find what they need fast.

4. Value Proposition

Let's talk about why checking out our Power BI stuff is a good move. Here's the lowdown:

Focus on the Good Stuff

We'll show you how our reports and dashboards can make things better by helping you:

  • Make quick, smart choices based on data
  • Spot chances to grow
  • Work more smoothly
  • Spend less money

Real Examples

We've got real success stories, like:

  • "One client increased their sales by 15% in just three months using our dashboard."
  • "Three out of four users say our reports make their customer service better."

Match What You Need

We've got what you're looking for, whether it's:

  • More money in the bank
  • Less risk
  • Getting ahead of the competition
  • Keeping customers happy

Keep It Simple

Everyone wants to:

  • Understand their data fast
  • Make decisions without hassle
  • Share what they find easily

We make sure our Power BI tools do just that.

What's Next?

After you see what we offer, you can:

  • Try out a demo
  • Talk to our sales team for more info
  • Sign up to give it a go for free

By showing you the real benefits, with numbers to back it up, we make it clear that our Power BI tools can really help you out.

5. Progressive Disclosure Design

Progressive disclosure means showing information bit by bit so it's easier to understand and not too much all at once. It's a smart way to set up your Power BI landing page so people don't get overwhelmed.

Here's how you can do it right:

Start with What Matters Most

Begin with the key points or benefits that grab attention. Keep the less important details for later.

Use Accordions and Tabs Accordions and tabs are like drawers for your information, letting users open them as they need. This keeps your page tidy and user-friendly.

Add "Learn More" Links Put links that say things like "Learn more" or "See details" throughout your page. This lets visitors explore more about what they're interested in at their own pace.

Clear Steps to Take Make sure it's easy to see what to do next, like signing up or watching a demo. Clear directions help keep people moving forward.

Check and Adjust Watch how people use your page. If they're skipping parts or getting stuck, you might need to simplify or explain things better.

By revealing information slowly, you help people stay interested without feeling lost. This approach can lead to more people signing up or getting in touch because they understand and like what they see.

6. Templates and Customization

When it comes to making a Power BI landing page, you can start easily with templates and make it fit your style:

Start with a Template

Power BI gives you some ready-to-use templates for free. These have layouts and designs already set up, so you can begin without starting from scratch. Here are a few types:

  • Blank Canvas - A simple base where you can add your charts, text, and more.
  • Sales and Marketing - Perfect for tracking campaigns and leads with specific sections already made.
  • Service Health - Great for support teams, showing things like how many cases are solved and how happy customers are.

Tailor the Look

After picking a template, you can change it up:

  • Colors - Switch up the colors to match your brand.
  • Logos - Put in your logos and images.
  • Text - Change the preset text to say what you want.
  • Layout - Move things around, add new parts, or take out what you don't need.

Leverage Themes

Power BI also has themes you can use to quickly change your page's style:

  • Light - A bright and simple look that's good for any dashboard.
  • Dark - Makes visuals pop with a darker background.
  • Colorful - Fun and bright colors.

Save Custom Templates

When you've got your page looking just right, save it as a template. This way, you can use it again or share it, keeping your style consistent.

Explore Community Options

There's also a bunch of templates and themes made by the Power BI community that you can use for free.

Using a template is a smart shortcut to creating a Power BI landing page that looks good and fits your needs. And with all the ways to customize, you can really make it your own.

7. Optimization Tips

Here are some straightforward ways to make your Power BI landing page better:

Use SEO Best Practices

  • Make sure to use important keywords in your titles, descriptions, and even in pictures.
  • Write descriptions that help search engines understand what your page is about.
  • Link to other good websites.
  • Help search engines read your page easily.

Simplify Navigation

  • Keep your menu simple.
  • Make sure labels are clear.
  • Ensure menu links go to important parts of your site.

Highlight Calls-to-Action

  • Place buttons where people can easily see them.
  • Use colors that stand out.
  • Keep button text direct and to the point.

Improve Page Speed

  • Make your pictures smaller in file size.
  • Clean up your website's code.
  • Use website caching.
  • Cut down on things that slow down your page.

Analyze and Refine

  • Look at data on how people use your site.
  • Find out where people are leaving your site.
  • Test different versions of your page.
  • Keep making changes based on what the data shows.

By focusing on making your Power BI landing page easy to use and find, you can help more people get to it and like what they see. Always check to see if your changes are helping and keep improving your page.

Design and User Engagement Strategies

When making a Power BI landing page that works well, it's important to focus on how the page looks and how people interact with it. Here are some simple tips to make your page more engaging:

Interactive Elements

Adding things people can click on, like images that change when you hover over them, or sections that expand to show more information, makes your page more interesting. This helps keep visitors engaged and makes your page feel alive.

Compelling Call-to-Action Buttons

Put buttons on your page that encourage visitors to do something, like sign up, watch a demo, or download a report. Use clear words like "Get Started Now" and choose colors that make these buttons easy to see. Link these buttons to pages that are helpful.

Balancing Visuals and Text

It's good to have pictures and graphics, but too many can be distracting. Mix in short sections of text that explain the key points. Use different sizes and colors of text to show what's most important, making it easy for people to scan through.

Progressively Revealing Information

Don't show everything all at once. Break up the information into smaller parts that people can see as they click around or scroll. Start with the big reasons why your Power BI page is useful, then get into the details later.

Prominent Multimedia Content

Use videos or interactive demos to show off what you can do. Put these near the top of your page where more people will see them. Make sure it's easy for visitors to play these videos.

Optimized Navigation

Keep the top and bottom of your page simple, focusing on the most important links. Use clear names for these links so people know where they're going. Show visitors where they are on your site with a breadcrumb trail.

By focusing on making your page easy to use and engaging, you can help visitors understand and get interested in what you're offering. Use clear calls to action, balance pictures with text, and add interactive parts to make your page stand out.

Tools and Resources

Making a great Power BI landing page doesn't have to be hard if you have the right tools and resources. Here's a simple guide to help you get started:

Page Templates

Start with templates to build your page quickly:

  • Power BI gives you some ready-to-use templates like Blank Canvas, Sales and Marketing, and Service Health.
  • Look for templates made by other users in the community for more variety.
  • You can also find lots of professional templates online that are made to help you get more visitors.

Enhanced Customization

Make your page truly yours:

  • Use tools that let you change the look of your page easily, like colors, fonts, and spacing.
  • Add your company's logos and pictures to make it feel more personal.
  • Move things around or add new parts to your page without needing to code.


Make your page work well with other tools:

  • Show live Power BI dashboards and reports right on your page.
  • Connect with tools to gather visitor info and talk to potential customers.
  • Use services like Zapier to link your page with lots of other apps for more features.


Make sure your page works well and attracts more visitors:

  • Test different versions of your page to see what works best.
  • Speed up your page by making sure it loads quickly.
  • Use special web codes to help search engines understand your page better.
  • Keep an eye on how people use your page and make changes to improve it.

With these steps, you can create a Power BI landing page that looks good, works well, and reaches the right people. Remember, it's all about making things simple for your visitors while showing off what you can do with Power BI.

Best Practices and Examples

When creating a Power BI landing page, it's important to show off your skills with data and make a good first impression. Here are some tips and examples of how to do it well:

Keep it Simple Yet Impressive

Make sure your page looks clean and modern, and is easy to move around in. Use plenty of space, a straightforward layout, simple menus, and clear directions on what to do next. But, also make sure to show off your best work with pictures or live examples of your data visualizations and dashboards.

Promote Your Skills and Experience

Talk about your background, any Power BI certificates you have, your experience with analytics, and projects you've worked on. If you've worked with well-known clients, mention them and share any positive feedback you've gotten. This helps people trust you.

Offer a Free Trial or Demo

Give visitors a chance to try out a demo report or dashboard to see your work for themselves. This is a way for them to check out what you offer without having to commit to anything.

Sign up with your email to access our interactive demo dashboard for free! No credit card required. 

Share Impact Metrics

Talk about the real results of your work, like how you helped increase sales, cut down costs, or made things run more smoothly with numbers to back it up.

Spotlight Client Success Stories

Share stories about how your work has helped solve real problems for your clients:

"By using Jack's Power BI dashboard, we were able to find and fix issues in our production line, making us 20% more efficient." - Acme Manufacturing

Include a Blog or Case Studies Section

Add some blog posts or case studies that show how you've used your analytics skills in real-life situations.


Real-World Examples

Here are a couple of Power BI landing pages that do a great job:


InterWorks uses big, bold pictures, shows off client logos, offers demos, shares blog posts, and more.

Blast Analytics

Blast Analytics has a clean and modern page with data visualizations, client feedback, free trials, and custom graphics.

In short, a great Power BI landing page should show what you're good at, let people try your work, share success stories, and keep things simple but effective.


When you're putting together a landing page for Power BI, it's all about showing off what you can do and getting people interested. Here's a quick summary of what we've talked about:

  • Start with a headline that tells people how they'll benefit and use a big, catchy image to grab their attention.
  • Make it clear how your Power BI stuff can help them, using real numbers and stories from happy customers.
  • Add things like buttons that show more info when clicked to make your page fun to explore.
  • Make sure your page loads quickly and is easy to get around on any device.
  • Put easy-to-see buttons that tell visitors what you want them to do next.
  • Choose designs and themes that go well with your brand to make your page look good.
  • Keep an eye on how people are using your page and tweak it to get even better results over time.

If you do a good job with your landing page, more people will want to try out your Power BI tools, sign up for demos, or join your email list.

Keep things simple and straight to the point. Use clear examples and guide visitors smoothly from one step to the next.

Spending a bit of extra time to make your landing page really shine can help you look more professional, get more leads, and grow your Power BI work or business.

Can you create a landing page in Power BI?

Yes, you can make a landing page in Power BI. It lets you pick and arrange elements like pictures, text, and buttons on your page. This way, you can design a page that looks good and helps your audience understand what you're offering. After you're done, you can share your Power BI app landing page with others.

How do I create a landing page template?

Here's a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a starting point, like a blank page or a ready-made design.
  2. Give your landing page a name.
  3. Fill it with your own words, pictures, and testimonials.
  4. Pick good photos to add.
  5. Decide on a web address for your page.
  6. Make sure all your links and buttons work.
  7. Write a short description for search engines.
  8. Share your page online.

Can you download Power BI templates?

Yes, there are free Power BI templates available for download. You can find them on AppSource, which includes various dashboards and reports grouped together. Power BI also offers ready-to-use apps for different areas like marketing and sales, which you can customize to fit your needs.

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